Let's change it!
By the name of God, People & Money.
Vision Statement
The vision of this Organization, is a world without people living in poverty and our ultimate
goal is to make use of those three most important and powerful words which are God,
People & Money to definitely change war to peace and poverty to something
Mission Statement
God, People & Money Organization, is empowering citizens across the country and around the world to generate
the political will to end Hunger and the worst aspects of poverty. Before you can do that, you have to identify what
stands in the way of achieving that goal and then how best to serve the communities that are at the greatest risk.
When we talk about generating political will, what we have to do first is dispel the myth that the poor are directly
responsible for their plight. We have to dispel the myth that the underlying causes of poverty are Laziness, apathy
and ignorance. Our job is to replace that myth with the truth, which is that the underlying causes of poverty are
social, economic and political. Taking people out of the box of Laziness and ignorance and seeing them as
productive members of their society held back by social, economic or political problems not only allow us to take
action, it demands that we take action.
Fighting poverty is in the best interest of the world. The world cannot be safe unless we get together and confront
the political and social aspects of poverty. "People"
Ph:407 660-4328 / 407-7196162.